Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group Progress Report

Logistics-and-Supply-Chain-Skills-Group-Annual-Progress-Report-.pdf (size 4.1 MB)

This is the first annual progress report produced by the Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group (LSCSG). The LSCSG was set up on foot of the recommendations (i) to develop an industry-led Freight Transport, Distribution and Logistics Skills Engagement Group with a common purpose of enhancing Ireland’s logistics and supply chain skills capability and (ii) to establish a National Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group, to manage a coordinated response from the Logistics/Supply Chain sectors to promote the sectors and their skills needs, contained in the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) 2015 report, “Addressing the Demand for Skills in the Freight Transport, Distribution and Logistics Sector in Ireland 2015-2020” and 2018 report respectively.