About Us

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN), established in 1997, has the task of advising Government on future skills requirements and associated labour market issues that impact on the national potential for enterprise and employment growth.

Our membership includes Government Departments; Enterprise Development Agencies, Business, Unions, Further Education and Training and the Higher Education Authority.

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, in conjunction with the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, SOLAS, provides the EGFSN with research and analysis support. 

What do we do? 

 • We advise Government on projected skills requirements at national and sectoral levels and make recommendations on how best to address identified needs.

• We make recommendations on how existing education and training systems and delivery mechanisms might be adapted to better effect. Also the role that enterprise can play in the shaping up of the skills of their workforce. 

• We advise on any skills requirements that cannot be met internally at a given time and so must be met through inward migration.

• We ensure that recommendations made are assessed by the relevant authorities.